Parents are responsible for the purchase of their child’s Curriculum. Details of the books that will be required to keep up with the scope and sequence for each child will be sent to all registered students no later than 6 weeks before the start of the program.


Every grade level will follow a yearly progression of assigned work which can be found in the scope and sequence. The scope and sequence will be the standard for how the curriculum will be administered by the parents and tutors of OMCA. The scope and sequence divides all required work into weekly assigned work.


Accommodations are a change of the curriculum for a specific student. Modifications are an adjustment of academic goals involving classroom setting, weekly work, and weekend work for the purpose of helping a student become successful. Accommodations/modifications are academic changes made for a specific student. Under rare conditions will accommodations or modifications to the scope and sequence be made for any student. OMCA is not designed nor equipped for students with severe learning disabilities. No accommodations or modifications will be made without administrative approval. All requests for accommodation or modification of curriculum must be submitted in writing for board review.


A 100 – 90

B 89 – 80

C 79 – 70

69 and lower = Needs Improvement


Weekly assigned work begins the Tuesday of every week in which the Homeschool Learning Center of OMCA is in session. All weekly assigned work must be completed in a timely fashion (by the beginning of the following Tuesday OMCA is in session). It is the PARENTS ultimate responsibility to ensure that all assigned work from the scope and sequence is completed on time.


Any work that is not completed from the scope and sequence for any week’s assigned work (Tues-Thurs) will become TAKE HOME WORK and will need to be completed Friday through Monday.

TAKE HOME WORK will be assigned from the scope and sequence for the purpose of review and the reinforcement of concepts.

A student who fails to complete weekly work to a sufficient quality, even after a second attempt, will be assigned supplemental work which needs to be done with a parent, to ensure the child comprehends their lesson.

Tutors will email or text parents a complete list of all work needed to be completed as TAKE HOME WORK by the end of the day Thursday for any week that our Homeschool Learning Center will be in session.


All participants in the OMCA Homeschool Learning Center will be required to be up to date on completion of the scope and sequence for their child’s grade level by the end of each trimester. Any child falling more than two weeks behind in completing any assigned work will be placed on Academic Probation. When a child is placed on academic probation, the Administration will notify his/her parents in writing. Those placed on Academic probation will have until the end of the trimester to catch up in all assigned work. If the student is not caught up by the end of the trimester, this shall be considered a violation of academic probation and the child’s continued participation in the OMCA Homeschool Learning Center will be reviewed which may result in the child’s participation in the program to be suspended or revoked.

There will be no refunds given for a child who has been dismissed from the program due to a violation of academic probation.


The program year is divided into trimesters. Reports of students’ progress will be given every 10 to 13 weeks, depending on the yearly calendar.


All employees hired by OMCA are considered tutors or assistant tutors. OMCA may employ some volunteers in these capacities. Additional tutoring may be offered (for an additional fee paid directly to the tutor), for students needing more individualized assistance.



Entering Preschool students must turn 4 by Sept 10 and be potty trained…no exceptions.

Students will be enrolled based on age. If a parent believes their child’s aptitude warrants a higher placement, then a placement test can be requested. A student will be placed in a higher grade based on proficiency in all subjects. If the parent believes their child will benefit from a lower grade placement than is typical for their age, then a student will be placed in that grade for all subjects. Please contact the administration if you believe an exception should be made, and you will be given a modification/accommodation request form.


Oak Meadows Christian Academy is committed to keeping all Program Fees as reasonable as possible without sacrificing the quality of education. The Mission of this ministry is to be affordable to families seeking a partner in Homeschooling their children towards a Christian education. The operating budget of OMCA is funded by program and enrollment fees. Students participating in the full-time Learning Center program are eligible for payment plans. Please refer to registration packet for details. A Student will only be considered enrolled after the administration has received both enrollment form and enrollment fee.


Parents are expected to pay their bills on time. If you are going to be late, please let the office know within 7 days so that arrangements can be made. If we do not hear from you, students whose accounts are 30 days past due may be restricted from attending our program, receiving progress reports or even a transfer of records until the account is brought current.

We operate on these timely payments. Our tutors are paid and this program can operate only because of financially faithful parents.

Students are accepted in good faith that parents will be faithful to the financial commitments they have made to the ministry of OMCA. The Administration of OMCA reserves the right to dismiss a child from the program on account of non-payment.


A parent’s obligation to pay the fees for the full academic year is unconditional and that upon receipt of signed contract. No portion of fees paid (i.e. enrollment or program) or outstanding fees owed will be refunded or cancelled in the event of absence, withdrawal, or dismissal from Oak Meadows Christian Academy.

Program and Enrollment fees are non-refundable with only two exceptions.

In the event of a geographic relocation of the family beyond a 30-minute drive of Wood Dale, Illinois. A prorated refund will be given within 90 days.

If a student withdraws before the first day of the Homeschool Learning Center only paid program fees will be refunded.

All other fees are non-refundable.


In the event that a student is expelled, dismissed from the program, or separated; for either the violation of academic probation or through the processes detailed in the OMCA Discipline Code, or for any reason other than the two exceptions noted above: all program fees, deposits, and enrollment fees already paid will be forfeited. Any outstanding payments will still be owed and possible legal action will be taken against those who for any reason break their contract with OMCA.


All payments must be made on a timely basis as established by the payment plan agreed to at registration.

On the 25th of each month, the financial manager will check all accounts. If the family’s account is not current, the following may apply: On the first of each month, students may be suspended from classes, students may not be allowed to participate in extracurricular Outings and Enrichment Programs, students may not be allowed to take exams; and all student records and progress reports may be withheld


If a check is returned unpaid for any reason there will be a $30 fee charged and no further checks will be accepted for the remainder of the year. All further payments must be made in cash, certified funds, or money order.


If you have any extenuating circumstances that are or may impact your financial obligations to OMCA, please contact the Administration immediately. Early and frequent communication is the key to resolving difficult issues.


All currently enrolled students and their siblings will be given the first opportunity to re-enroll before the general public. To take advantage of our family PRIORITY re-enrollment you must enroll before the end of the current program year.


Late Enrollments will begin on Academic Probation and will be required to be up to date on the scope and sequence as soon as possible. No enrollment in the Homeschool Learning Center will be allowed after the first day following winter break of any year. Exceptions can be made in certain circumstances. Late Enrolling students will be charged full program fee.


Financial aid may be available to families in need through donations received for the purpose of scholarships. Please request an application if your family would like to be considered for financial aid. Students MUST be applying for Full Time Support Program to be qualified for Financial/Scholarship Aid. Students who have violated academic probation will not be eligible for aid the following year.

Students whose parents have not paid their full bill from previous years will not be eligible for aid.


Each tutor may have their own set of rules and expectations for a child’s behavior while under their supervision. If a child’s behavior cannot be corrected through ordinary means by the supervising tutor, a violation of good behavior will be considered to have occurred. A violation of good behavior will be considered an infraction of the Discipline Code. An infraction of the discipline code will be reported to parents through weekly emails or texts by the supervising tutor.

Violations of good behavior include, but are not limited to:

⦁ Classroom disturbances

⦁ Gum chewing

⦁ Disrespect to a tutor, staff member, or any adult in charge (i.e. lunchroom helpers/Hall Monitors)

⦁ Food or drink in the Sanctuary (only sealed water bottles are exceptions)

⦁ Eating snacks outside of designated breaks or lunch.

⦁ In the hallway without permission

⦁ Unruly or disorderly conduct

⦁ Unauthorized use or possession of cell phone or another electronic device

⦁ Trading cards, playing with toys, or other games during times not designated for such activities.

⦁ Throwing of possible dangerous objects

Major violations of good behavior include

⦁ Bullying or Intimidation

⦁ Cheating (Giving or receiving any information on an assignment, quiz or examination.)

⦁ The use of AI to complete any assignment.

⦁ Plagiarism

⦁ Fighting or malicious infliction of harm

⦁ Forgery

⦁ Harassment

⦁ Insubordination (refusal to comply to a reasonable request from personnel)

⦁ Persistent minor violations of good behavior on any given day (3 or more of the same infraction or 4 or more of any infractions)

⦁ Insolence (attitude of contempt)

⦁ Lying

⦁ Mockery (malicious insults, malicious teasing, etc.)

⦁ Possession of obscene and/or offensive materials

⦁ Possession, use, sale or distribution of tobacco products.

⦁ Theft

⦁ Threats of violence or reprisal

⦁ Willful destruction or defacement of church property or private property. Parent or guardian of child will pay for repairs.


When a major violation of our Discipline Code occurs, a child will be immediately removed from class and sent to the office. Parents will be notified immediately by the Administration via text that a major behavioral issue has occurred for their child. As a part of this process, the offending child will potentially experience separation from fellow students for a set amount of time and stern discussion from the Educational Support Coordinator or another member of the Support Staff. For certain infractions, the parent will be required to immediately provide for pick-up of their child. NO PHYISICAL DISCIPLINE WILL EVER BE APPLIED BY ANY STAFF OR VOLUNTEER. However, in extreme cases, if a child’s safety, or the safety of other students or staff is deemed at risk, physical restraint appropriate to the situation may be applied, consistent with the standards of State Law.

Employees of OMCA will need a non-related member of the Administration to oversee application of discipline procedure for their children.

A Student who has committed 3 major violations in any given trimester, or a culminative 5 major violations in any program year will be removed from the program.


Oak Meadows Christian Academy has a ZERO-TOLERANCE POLICY for certain major violations which will lead to non-negotiable expulsion from our programs without refund.

⦁ Any gang affiliations will result in immediate expulsion.

⦁ Possession, use, sale, or distribution of alcohol or drugs on or off the grounds will result in immediate expulsion.

⦁ Possession or use of explosives, firearms, or any other dangerous weapon will result in immediate expulsion.



OMCA is Homeschool Learning Center, therefore your child may remain at home at any time, for any reason. If a child misses any regular sessions of our program for any reason, whether vacation, sickness, personal days, etc. it is expected that the parent or guardian of the child administer any weekly work according to the provided scope and sequence for their grade level. If a child falls behind more than two weeks behind in their assigned work, for any reason, they will be placed on academic probation.



ARRIVAL (8:15 AM – 8:30 AM)

Please arrive within the drop off window!

It is recommended that you do not enter the building for simple, daily drop-off We understand that at the beginning of the year children may need a little extra comfort and support when separating from their parent. Parents are welcome to stay in the building as long as they feel it is necessary.

DISMISSAL (3:15 PM – 3:30 PM)

For simple and safe pick-up procedures: Stay in your car and use the pickup line. No parents will be allowed entrance during child pick-up.

Outdoor Pick-up Procedure

1. At 3:10 children will be dismissed from class and use bathroom/gather their belongings and then line up at the back (field) door.

2. Parking Lot Attendant will be at the back door with walkie talkie at 3:10

3. Parking Lot Attendant will open the door at 3:15 and lead the children along designated route to the flagged staging area where they will deposit their belongings.

4a. Students will be checked by Backpack Supervisor as they leave to insure they have backpacks and water bottles (Thurs. only) as they exit the back door.

4b. All belongings must remain in backpack until student is picked-up. Backpacks and water bottles must remain in staging area at all times.

5. Parking Lot Assistant will assist Backpack Supervisor to help children who forget their backpack or water bottle (Thurs. only) until all students have exited the building.

6. Pick-Up Director stands by front (parking lot) door and will direct parents to Backpack Supervisor at the flagged staging area and use walkie-talkie to inform Parking Lot Attendant which parents are proceeding though pick-up lane.

9. Parking Lot Attendant will summon students of arriving parents.

10. Students will proceed to flagged staging area to retrieve backpack and stand in designated waiting area until parent's vehicle has come to a complete stop in front of the flagged staging area.

11. At this time students are allowed to enter the vehicle.

12. Parents should remain in vehicles during pickup time to help keep pickup safe and orderly. Any parent/tutor or parent/coordinator conversations need to happen at a time other than pick-up. There will never be a parent meeting scheduled at this time. If dropping something off for the office, you may hand it to the Pick-up Director from your car.

Students can only be dismissed to parents/guardians or those listed on their Arrival/Dismissal plan form.

You MUST call the office to change the pick-up person. Photo ID will be required for a first time pick up. A OMCA Staff/Faculty will meet you at your vehicle.

The OMCA Staff/Faculty will radio in and the student(s) will be released to your vehicle.

Indoor Pick-up Procedures

0 - If weather disallows an outdoor pick-up, Indoor Pick-up Procedures will be in effect

1. At 3:10 children will be dismissed from class and use bathroom/gather their belongings and then line up at the front door

2. Pick-up Director will be at the front (parking lot) door and open it for the kids to deposit all belongings on the patio.

3. Students will proceed from the front door to be seated in the sanctuary to watch the video.

4. Designated leaders will be stationed in the sanctuary and enforce the following rules:

4a. Children shall remain in their pew.

4b. No Running, eating, drinking, nothing will be allowed to be brought into the sanctuary.

4c. Coats and shoes must remain on.

4d. No rough housing, yelling or screaming.

5. No student may leave sanctuary for any reason. Bathroom breaks will be allowed for emergencies only but must be accompanied by a designated leader to and from the bathroom. Only one student may use the bathroom at a time.

6. As the parents pull up to the patio Pick-up Director will radio Designated Leader who will alert the student to leave the sanctuary.

7. The student(s) leaving the sanctuary will proceed directly to the front doors (no exceptions).

8. Student(s) wait at the front door until Director opens the door.

9 Students will gather their belongings from off the porch and enter their parents car.

10. Parents should remain in vehicles during pickup time to help keep pickup safe and orderly. Any parent/tutor or parent/coordinator conversations need to happen at a time other than pick-up. There will never be a parent meeting scheduled at this time. If dropping something off for the office, you may hand it to the Pick-up Director from your car.


For the sake of safety and the best possible learning experience for all children, we kindly ask that your children are dropped off promptly 5 minutes before the start of our program sessions. If a child is dropped off late more than once in a week, or more than three times in a month, a meeting with the parent will be requested to determine possible solutions.


Oak Meadows Christian Academy will remain open unless hazardous road or other emergency conditions (including utility problems, electricity or natural gas outages) necessitate a closing. A decision to close will normally be made by 6:30 AM and will be based upon weather reports, police reports and personal inspections of major highways.


Chapel time is an integral part of our tutoring curriculum and programming and is required for all participating in any of our programs.

Our chapel times are designed to provide a positive, meaningful experience for all students at OMCA. Disrespect, mockery, or inappropriate behavior (such as completing assignments, causing distractions for others etc.) will not be tolerated.


Oak Meadows Christian Academy practices respect for its facility as it is considered a blessing from God. To ensure the best practices of our facility as it is related to our sanctuary, the following rules shall apply:

⦁ Persons using the sanctuary for any reason should be certain to clean up any items from such use; no papers, or clothing or any other personal affects should be left in the sanctuary for any reason.

⦁ Children are not allowed on stage or near musical/sound equipment unless given permission to be there.

⦁ No food or drinks (except bottled water) are allowed at any time in the sanctuary.


We are pleased to provide a quality library and media center for our students. We do all we can to make sure the books are age appropriate. If you find something inappropriate in any of the books, please let the office know.

There shall be no markers/crayons/colored pencils or any other craft supplies allowed in the library.

There shall be no food or drink allowed in the library (except water bottles).

Using the library is a privilege which may be revoked due to improper behavior in the library or repeated failure to return materials.


It is our goal to promote an atmosphere of modesty. These guidelines apply to any activity, on or off premises, to all enrolled students (Learning Center and Enrichment) unless otherwise stated.

⦁ No visible undergarments are allowed

⦁ Clothing must not be excessively form-fitting or see-through

⦁ No midriff showing

⦁ No spaghetti straps

⦁ Shorts / dresses / skirts (girls) should fall no higher than mid-thigh

⦁ Shorts or leggings must be worn under dresses or skirts

Water Bottle Policy

All Students will be required to bring a water bottle to OMCA for the week.

Enrichment Students are required to bring a water bottle each day they attend OMCA and to bring home that water bottle at the end of the day.

Full Time Students will be required to bring home their water bottle at the end of each week

When a student either comes to OMCA with no water bottle or misplaces their water bottle through the day the parent will be notified by the ESC that a plastic water bottle was given to their child.

A plastic water bottle given to students will be invoiced to parents per water bottle given at the end of each month.


Oak Meadows Christian Academy is committed to maintaining an academic environment in which all individuals treat each other with dignity and respect, and which is free from all forms of intimidation, exploitation and harassment, including sexual harassment. Anyone who violates this policy will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination or expulsion. Our policy prohibits Employee-Student Harassment, Student-Student Harassment, and Student-Employee Harassment.


All adult tutors and asst. tutors are screened through background checks and receive training for working with minors.

The State of Illinois requires OMCA to report allegations of suspected child abuse to the proper governmental authority when there is reasonable suspicion or reasonable basis for believing that physical or emotional abuse, sexual abuse and exploitation, inadequate supervision, or other forms of abuse have occurred. OMCA will be expected to communicate with Parents/Guardians regarding the well-being of their children, the Administration is placed between the Parent/Guardian and the state, acting on behalf of the Parent/Guardian and in accordance with state law. It is OMCA policy not to contact Parents/Guardians in advance of making a report to legal authorities. Administration will make such reports in the best interests of the affected child and do not, once reasonable suspicion is established, have any legal alternative except to make the report to the proper authorities for their investigation and review. OMCA may also undertake an inquiry prior to making a report to determine whether or not there are sufficient grounds to require reporting.


Students may NOT carry cell phones while attending tutoring or enrichment sessions. If, for a legitimate reason a cell phone is needed, the student can bring and leave it in the office. Unauthorized possession and/or use will result in the confiscation of the phone for pick up in the office by a parent or guardian.


Recreational devices, toys, cards, games, etc. may be brought from home and kept in a backpack until recess or break time. Handheld video games or other electronic handheld games may be brought from home and played only before and after program hours. All handheld games and game cartridges should be clearly marked with the child’s name. All games are to be age appropriate; inappropriate materials will be confiscated. Any toy, electronic device, game or card brought by the child is to be the child’s responsibility, and therefore, anything brought is done so at your own risk - OMCA is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Any student playing with a toy, game, electronic device or card when they are not supposed to will have the item taken away, and the parents must pick it up in the office.


No in-line skates, wheeled shoes, skateboards, and any other items that could be damaging to persons or property may not be used on grounds


Children are to leave chewing gum at home since they should not be chewing it at any time before or during program hours in any part of the building or outside the building. Food or candy or any snack may only be eaten during lunch or break.


For safety, all outside doors are kept locked.

Students may NEVER open any outside door or leave the building without direct adult supervision.

Hallway procedures are in effect at 8:15 every morning,

After arriving children take their backpack into their classroom and empty their backpack of all books, then proceed to their hook in order to hang their backpack and coat

After students unpack, they must be in their classrooms with tutor or assistant present working on quiet activities until program begins.

Students may not use the washroom or get water between the times of 8:15-10am and 10:45-12:00pm

Students may use the Bathroom and Fill Water Bottles during their Designated Bathroom Break only.

In the case of a bathroom emergency a student may be escorted by the tutor assistant to use the washroom.

Any student found traveling the hallways in violation of Hallway procedures will be considered to have violated the Discipline Code


The Administration reserves the right to search student book bags, desks, coats and / or jackets at any time. If materials are found and determined to be offensive or inappropriate, they will be confiscated. If a student is found in possession of any material that constitutes a major violation of the discipline code or of our zero-tolerance policy, the administration will immediately contact the parent and appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken.


Internet use at OMCA is accessed through some of the computers and is monitored by adult staff. If you do not want your student to have access to the Internet, please notify the Educational Support Coordinator. Violation of Internet policy will result in disciplinary action, which may include loss of computer privileges, suspension, or legal prosecution. The following uses of the internet are not permitted:

⦁ Social Networking including, but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, instant messaging, video messaging, etc.

⦁ Accessing, displaying, or sending offensive messages or pictures

⦁ Using obscene language

⦁ Harassing, insulting, or attacking others


Students are to use their assigned cubbies and hooks. Each student is responsible for keeping his/her cubbie clean both inside and outside.


OMCA will maintain a lost and found. Found items should be brought to the office. OMCA assumes no responsibility for lost items. Lost and Found items will be donated locally if not picked up before winter break or the end of the year. Please make sure all personal items are properly labeled.


Student should bring their lunch from home. Refrigerator and microwave are available for student use, but space may be limited.


⦁ Students are responsible for their disposable materials and the general cleanliness of the area in which they are sitting.

⦁ Students may not leave the designated lunch room.

⦁ Due to food allergies and other dietary restrictions, students are encouraged to NOT share their lunches with others.


We expect students to respect our country and the government. Students will be asked to pledge to the American Flag. Students will also respect veterans, those who have served our country.


Pictures will be taken each year by a professional photographer. The pictures will be available for parents to purchase; details will be sent home in advance. Photos of children will not be used for promotional purposes unless permission is given to OMCA.


Any person other than students, parents of students, staff, administration, or board members are considered visitors and will be required to be accompanied by a staff member for the entire duration of their presence on location while our program is in session.


Oak Meadows Christian Academy does not hold off-premise outings or field trips.

However, the PTA may organize unofficial events throughout the year. These events shall be the responsibility of the parents attending and all expenses of these outings will belong to participating families.


All accidents, which occur during the regular hours of the program day will be reported to the office and logged immediately. Minor injuries will be treated in the office. An Injury Report will be filled out and sent home to the parent(s). Students with serious injuries will be taken immediately to the hospital and parents will be notified by phone. A Medical Release Form and Emergency Card must be signed by a parent/guardian and kept on file in the office for each student. This form provides OMCA emergency phone numbers and authorization of emergency medical treatment.


An Emergency Card must be signed by a parent / guardian and kept on file in the office for each student. This card provides OMCA with emergency phone numbers and authorization of emergency medical treatment. This card contains an acetaminophen and ibuprofen release option. Acetaminophen is commonly sold in drug stores under the brand names of Tylenol or Anacin III.

If your child should need to be on medication during the year, we ask that only adults carry medicine.

Bring the medication to the office in the prescription bottle.

Be prepared to give in writing the date, name of the medication, dosage and time for administering.

If the medication is over-the-counter medication, please bring the store bottle with your child’s name clearly marked on it. No envelopes or bags, please. Every medication dosage administered will be documented. This record is available for your review upon request. If your student has a fever, the office will contact you immediately. You will also be contacted if your student habitually requests acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

If your child is participating in our program but it is determined that they have a fever or is vomiting, we ask that you arrange to have your child picked up within 30 minutes of notification. Also, a child should not return if they are still exhibiting symptoms of the prior illness. Please keep your child home if they show any signs of fever, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. and must be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to in-person participation.

We have compiled the following information for your convenience so you will know our policy regarding these conditions:

1. Chicken Pox: All the chicken pox must have a dry scab and no new pox must have appeared for the last three or four days.

⦁ Pinkeye: Eyes must be clear with no redness or secretion and must be on medication for 24 hours.

⦁ Ringworm: Contact the physician, the child must be receiving treatment (medication) and the ring must be completely covered by a bandage. After 48 hours of treatment, it is not contagious.

⦁ Strep Throat: We must have a doctor’s note; the child must be on antibiotics for a minimum of 24 hours and be fever free for 24 hours before returning.

⦁ Head Lice: When a case of head lice is found, we will ask that all parents of participants inspect their children. Children must be nit/lice free for 24 hours before returning.


Parents are considered primarily responsible for their child’s education in our program. Should a serious problem arise with a child, we will do our best to clearly communicate our concerns to the parents. We will work with the parents to resolve the situation. Yet, should the overall attitude of the parents be one of continual blame-shifting, denial, defensiveness, or a general lack of responsibility towards seeing that their child’s academics and behavior are up to standards of our program, it may be determined by the administration that it will no longer be possible to work together.


If parental cooperation is deemed insufficient their child(ren) will be dismissed from the program. At OMCA, it is our conviction that in order to achieve success in the lives of our students, thel administration, staff, parents, and students must all work together towards the objectives and purpose of OMCA. No refunds will be given if a child is dismissed for the reason of lack of parental cooperation.

The following statement is printed on each Parental Agreement. Parents will be asked to affirm the statement with their signature on the application form.

We understand that enrollment in Oak Meadows Christian Academy is not a right, but a privilege, and do affirm that there are standards that must be maintained for the welfare of each child, as well as for OMCA. Therefore, we give permission for the tutors employed by OMCA and/or other assistant tutor or volunteer to make and enforce regulations in a manner consistent with Christian principles of discipline as set forth in Scripture and the Parent/Student Handbook. We will continue to uphold the authority of the staff of OMCA by recognizing their right to use appropriate disciplinary measures. I have read OMCA’s discipline procedures and expectations. I agree to encourage my child to comply with the rules and conduct expected at all times. Furthermore, I agree to provide a home environment which supports OMCA’s expectations. I understand and agree to OMCA’s right to provide consequences – including, dismissal from the program, i.e. expulsion, i.e. separation from OMCA to my child for violations of OMCA’s discipline procedures and expectations which occur at any time while my child is a registered participant at OMCA. I recognize, as a condition of participation, OMCA’s right to withhold refunds for any reason and to pursue full payment of owed program fees.

When enrolling a child at Oak Meadows Christian Academy, parents agree to work with all OMCA staff and become involved with their child’s overall development. Parents agree to:

1. Attend Parent Orientation.

2. Oversee the completion of any WEEKEND WORK (Take Home Work).

3. Respond to communications from OMCA when needed.


It is the policy of Oak Meadows Christian Academy to communicate educational and personal information about a student only with the custodial (enrolling) parent or guardian. It is the responsibility of the non-custodial parent to seek copies of this information from the custodial parent. A non-custodial parent may be placed on the mailing list to receive general information, such as newsletters or check the website for a calendar of events. In the event of joint custody, communication will be made with the enrolling parent. In the event that both joint custodial parents enroll the student, it is their responsibility to designate a primary contact.


Orientation is scheduled for parents of both new and returning students. Important policy and procedure changes will be discussed.

It will be considered mandatory for at least one parent to attend orientation, but it is strongly encouraged that both parents attend. All paperwork must be signed by the first day program sessions begin.


Parents may request conferences with any of their child’s tutors; all conferences are by appointment.


Parents are encouraged to volunteer a part of their time to help our program be the best it can be. Please call the Vice President of Personnel if you are available and would like to know how you can help.

When volunteering, we appreciate your full attention. Having a young child present seriously limits the volunteer’s ability to serve and can put our student’s safety at risk. Please arrange daycare for your younger children if having your younger children with you will impede your ability to supervise the children of OMCA in any way. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this